How to Know if You’re actually in Ketosis

We’ve talked about ketosis in previous articles, but let’s look at how to know if you’re actually in ketosis.
There will be signs if you know what to look for!
What is ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body has switched over from burning glucose for fuel to burning fat.
It’s what you’re looking for when you fast or eat a ketogenic diet to lose weight.
Please note that ketosis is not to be confused with diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a serious medical condition.
The most obvious and practical way to know if you’re in ketosis is simply test and see.
There are a couple of ways of doing this:
Urine strips
These are little strips that you pass your urine over.
They will turn a certain colour to show if you have ketones in your urine and if so, how heavy those ketones are.
The key is on the bottle and you compare your results with it.
The range will show somewhere between light to moderate to deep.
Moderate is what you want to aim for.
These keto sticks are okay to start with, but be warned that they are not always accurate.
At some point, you might suddenly stop seeing results, even though you’re doing the same thing.
And all that means is that your body is using up the ketones so it’s not showing in your urine.
The amount of water you drink matters too. If you drink a lot, ketones concentration will be diluted and will show up as a lighter colour.
They are handy in the beginning, though, and a quick way to see if you’re getting there.
If you go this route, check on your second trip to the bathroom of the day, and before you drink or eat anything, for the most accurate results.
Ketone meter
If you want to check that you 're in Ketosis, use Ketone meters, like the Keto Mojo, which are much more accurate because they are measuring the ketones in your blood instead of urine.
You do have to do the finger stick, so there’s that. But it’s not too bad.
A meter will measure in millimoles per litre of blood.
It’s measuring the concentration of ketone bodies in your blood.
A reading of 0.5 - 3 mmol/L is considered optimal.
The meters will also measure your glucose.
Other ways to know you’re in ketosis
There are many other signs that you are in ketosis and burning fat:
Fat loss
If the scales are moving down, or your clothes are fitting better, you could be in ketosis.
Because a ketogenic state naturally leads to fat loss.
Losing weight doesn’t always mean you’re in ketosis, though.
But if you’re fasting or on a Ketogenic diet and losing weight, you’re probably in ketosis.
Ketosis can be very dehydrating.
When your body switches from burning glucose to burning fat, you lose a lot of water.
So if you find that you’re always thirsty, despite drinking plenty of water, you might be in ketosis.
Decreased appetite and cravings
One of the great things about the ketogenic state is that it is a natural appetite suppressant.
This is because ketosis helps to balance hunger and satiety hormones like ghrelin and leptin.
Mental clarity
The brain loves ketones.
The ketogenic state can reduce brain fog and improve your mood and mental clarity.
More energy
The body can use ketones much more efficiently than glucose.
And since ketosis means you’re relying on fat for energy, your blood glucose levels are much more stable.
So you won’t be getting those blood sugar crashes that can happen when you eat a high carbohydrate diet.
Feeling cold
One of the first signs of ketosis for some people is that they feel cold and can’t seem to get warmed up.
Blood flow is being redirected to fat stores and this can make you feel cold.
Keto flu
Many people go through what is referred to as “keto flu.”
Symptoms of keto flu might include:
Body aches and pains
Brain fog
Thankfully keto flu is a temporary thing and gets better as your body adjusts to burning ketones for fuel.
Making the switch
If you’re fasting or following a ketogenic diet, your body will eventually start to burn ketones for fuel.
How long that takes depends on your metabolic health, and what kind of diet you were following before.
Watch for the signs.
And if you want to know for sure that you’re in ketosis, testing is your best bet.