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The dosage recommendations below are for Nutri-Align Fasting Refeed capsules.

Fasting Refeed Capsules Dosage Recommendations


Fasting Refeed capsules include extra-strong B-Vitamin complex and phosphorus. 

These nutrients are commonly used to prevent refeeding syndrome in malnourished patients. 

We adapted these ingredients to combat the milder form of the same symptoms that sometimes occur during fasting refeed phase after controlled Extended Fasting.

The recommended dosage and timing of the supplement depends on the duration of your fast. 

Extended Fasts of over 5 days

Dosage: Take 2 servings or 2 capsules per day (4 total) with meals. 

Start taking the capsules about 30 minutes before you break your fast. Continue throughout your refeed phase. 

IMPORTANT: Keep taking your fasting electrolytes in smaller quantities (10-20% of your fasting dosage) during your refeed phase, in addition to Fasting Refeed multivitamins.

Recommended duration of refeed phase: around 30% of the total duration of your fast. For example, if you fasted for 15 days, allow at least 5 days for the refeed phase.

Extended Fasts of 2-5 days

Dosage: Take 2 capsules per day with a meal, ideally with breakfast. 

Start taking the capsules about 30 minutes before you break your fast. Continue throughout your refeed phase. 

Recommended duration of refeed phase: 1-2 days

Short-Term EF (under 48 hours) and IF

If your fasting period is less than 48 hours, you are unlikely to require any additional micronutrients so Fasting Refeed supplement is not necessary.

However, some of our customers take this supplement instead of their generic multivitamin while fasting.